A Sea Monster

In this week there are so many questions. Why invest, and who can you trust. Investing means sinking your money into a venture — in the form of companies, commodities or even real estate — so that your money can make more money.

In the Leviathan there is so much allusion to the idea of a salient power in all aspect of life, not to dissimilar to the idea of tentacles in the financial market. The nerd wallet says “The concept behind how the stock market works is pretty simple. Operating much like an auction house, the stock market enables buyers and sellers to negotiate prices and make trades.” When done twenty years ago the idea was that there was a time frame that was capable of being understood by human beings.  In the new era of nanoseconds spent trading an super capable fiber optic networks….where do humans stand. The Leviathan is realized as the algorithm that is created for wealth and not for ethical behavior. This practice has created a pseudo terminator market. There is no connection anymore there is only money made and money lost. High-frequency traders, which make a living by trading stocks and other assets at unimaginable speeds dont care if there competition is their friend….they just want to make money.

Are humans teching ourselves out of existence

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